I love to stay up late. It's wearing me thin though. I get caught up in "crusader" like activities and just get so riled up. It's not healthy. I need to get to sleep, but how can I sleep when there are so many problems in the world that I am not doing anything about, besides blogging that I need to get up and do something. I hate the mentality of the world that compels people to think that their thoughts and actions won't make a difference, I know they will. But, I am on the fence because I honestly just don't know what to do. I know I don't have a flurry of followers on my blog. I know I don't particularly blog about anything interesting, but so many things are going through my mind it is next to impossible to drift off into a peaceful slumber.
I wish the weight of the world wouldn't sit so heavily on my mind. I know things need to be done...and I'm only one person. Anyone care to go crusading with me? Let's make a difference. It's now or never.